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Cite an author or case in text by putting the author (Du Bois) or case name (​Obergefell​) in parentheses.

●Read and follow the directions carefully

●Cite an author or case in text by putting the author (Du Bois) or case name (​Obergefell​) in parentheses. If the author or case is the subject of your sentence, such as “Du Bois arguesthat double consciousness…” or “The ​Obergefell ​case focused on…,” do not put the author’sor case name in parentheses. Author and case names cited in text and quotes count toward the maximum word allowances in each of your responses.Part I – Identifications

Select ​six (6)​ of the terms below and provide the following for each term you choose:●a definition of the term;●Importance of the term●a concrete example (from readings or lecture) that illustrates the significance of the term, including a brief explanation of how the example illustrates the term.You can write a ​maximum of 75 words​ for each term – roughly 3-4 sentences. Each identification is worth 5 points for a total of 30 points. Make sure to include the number of the question and the actual term at the beginning of your response so that we know which question you are answering (inclusion of the term at the outset does not count toward the maximum words for each response). ​Write in complete sentences​.

Ia. legal consciousness Ib. common law legal system Ic. social discourse Id. law as security Ie. law as protecting freedom If. intersectionality Ig. deterrence Ih. procedural justice Ii. pre-trial punishment Ij. redlining Ik. open doors border perspective Il. myth of rights

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