1.Identify the relevant facts (past/future, known/concluded).a.Provide a comprehensive list of facts that are or may be relevant.
2.Identify the possible policies / decision centers / outcomes / influences.a.Generate a broad set of reasonable alternative policies/outcomes.b.Who is making the decisions?c.Who are the stakeholders affected by the policies?
3.Analyze each aspecta.Impartially consider each aspect from a deontological and consequential point of view.b.Does it pass the tests of fairness and justice? Are some individuals deprived of their rights at the expense of others? Does it make a reasonable universal policy?c.Reject –but not necessarily ignore - any aspects or positions that are primafacie excessively unethical, unfair, or unjust.
4.Identify the principles and values.a.What are the goods to be protected or the rights of the involved stakeholders?
5.Identify the consequences (known or potential, both positive and negative).a.Consider the consequences of each decision/outcome, with respect to each group of stakeholders.
6.Identify the applicable laws, regulations, or ethical contexts involved. Do they require or prohibit any actions by the individuals involved?
7.Identify and analyze the tradeoffs.a.Consider each outcome with respect to principles that are in conflict.b.Conduct an ethical cost-benefit analysis –how much positive benefit is created for how many people, relative to the negative consequences?
8.Analyze the ethical issues with respect to the laws.a.Are the relevant laws consistent or in consistent with the ethical tradeoffs?
9.Analyze the ethical issues with respect to the relevant professional code(s) of ethics.a.Is the professional code consistent or inconsistent with the ethical tradeoffs?
10.Draw and justify a conclusion.a.What action should be taken, based on the outcome that is the most ethical (most fair/just/happiness-maximizing) of the available options?b.If this action is inconsistent with the applicable laws, then your conclusion may include a recommendation that the law should be changed.
11.Write a cogent summary of your analysis and reasoning.a.The written analysis all of the information that you collected/created during the first ten steps of the process