PUNI 338
Iliad or Odyssey Essay
You will be required to submit an essay on either the Essential Iliad or the Essential Odyssey.The paper must be typed in Times New Roman, feint font, double-spaced with I inch margins.You do not need to cite any sources in the essay. I am looking for your original interaction with the book. Save the paper as a Word.doc or PDF only.
Paper should begin with the headings below.If you refer to a scene, do not quote the text, this is a waste of space for a 4- _page essay. lust refer to the passage as follows: (Iliad, 6:105-120) so that would be Iliad, Book 6, lines 105 to 120. That’s all there is to it, Depending on which book you choose, the following prompts will give you the framework for the essay: iliag – Choose two heroes from the Iliad (one Achaean and one Trojan) and compare and contrast their values mnti !look at chanters 13 and 20 in Clusicantlyth).