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To what extent does body image perception differ between men and woman with lower-limb amputations?

Use the Holzer dataset in the SPSS program for the quantitative research report. Also you find the Holzer pdf for the case study explanation. Need to have a hypothesis e.g. RQ: To what extent does body image perception differ between men and woman with lower-limb amputations? RH: Women will have more destructive body image perceptions than men. Both genders body image perception will have been negatively affected by the amputation,however female more.

After hypothesis need to do analysis by regression or anova or t-test(NOT ALL,USE ONLY THE BEST FOR THE HYPOTHESIS). And insert the charts\tables into the assignment. (excluding the 2000words limit)Result can be significant or non-significant.

Quantitative methods what we learned: non-parametric tests and thinking critically about statistical significance. Assumptions and variations of ANOVA and associated Post-Hoc Tests. Qualitative research learning outcomes: IPA, Narrative ANalysis, Systematic reviews, Discourse analysis, Thematic analysis.

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