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Create a scenario (case study). Identity, evaluate, and apply information on safeguard law, policy, and practice for adults and children.

1. Create a scenario (case study). Identity, evaluate, and apply information on safeguard law, policy, and practice for adults and children.

2.critically evaluate #current research relating to safeguarding and apply the findings to case study you have developed.

3. choose currently used safeguarding from public domain such as ‘The Children Act 1989 nd 2004. The Care Act 2914 or metal capacity Act 2014.

velop a brief- case study relating to a vulnerable child or adult. choose one lgistration, policy or guidance and discuss whether it is beneficial in safeguarding the service user E5.

Evaluate the strength and limitation of #the policies (does it need updating). Page numbers for the references within the text must be provided

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