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Conduct a case analysis in Jesse’s case.

Jesse is the yougest child in our family. He has two older sisters. He has just turned 14 in September; two years younger than his older sister and taller than than both. He has undergone a growth spurt during the pandemic and is still growing.

Jesse likes sports, particularly basketball. When he was younger he took to ice skating like a natural although it did not continue as an interest. He is agile, likes to exercise and tries to stick to healthy food while giving in now and then to the occasional fast food. He is gregarious, enjoys being around people, and is generally happy and easy-going.

He is curious about the world around him. When a particular subject, cause or concern piques his interest he will want to investigate it to the minutest detail. One of his passions this summer was a personal computer. He had learned from a friend that playing a certain computer game on a personal computer with a keyboard offered a better gaming experience. He read up on computers and researched on the internet; watching countless youtube videos and asking an unending stream of questions. He decided a custom built computer would better suit his needs. This entailed even more research and more questions and in the process learned an entirely new vocabulary. He finally settled on a build that met his needs and budget. He visited a computer store and purchased the required components and spent several hours the next two days putting it together. He was thrilled when after perservering through several missteps the computer finally powered up with a display of a changing hue of colors on the fans. He was done and proud of the success of his efforts.

Jesse has always done well in school. He does not need supervision and will do what he needs to do with a sense of focus. When given a task, he tends to work on it without distractions until it is done. He will finish his work efficiently, putting aside TV, video games, and social media. One of the pleasures in the family is to listen to Jesse read a book that he enjoyed. He reads with a certain warmth and engagement that creates a emotional connection to the story; especially if it is a story with humor!

Jesse is kind, obedient and big-hearted. He is also hungry for new experiences and over the summer had many questions about current affairs in his community and around the world. These questions are frequently more about justice and equality. This is an important issue for Jesse. He has begun explore the world beyond his beyond his current confines; he wants to find his place in the world and he wants to make an impact.

Students must be on campus during the week and for designated Saturday commitments, but it is also expected that they will remain on campus during most weekends in order to take advantage of the weekend programs and to contribute to the school







skilled in the game of basketball

Kind, obedient and big-hearted

polite and kind, loves his friends a lot

We love to listen to Jesse while he reads a story

“typically can take charge to find the most effective solution. They also self-regulate their performance, making them always look for ways to improve—a desirable trait of leaders regardless of age. Because of this ability, they usually can lead their peers, as they have more confidence in their sense of direction and experience in taking charge.”

understand advanced work by others but they are also able to offer their own unique and original thoughts and insight into problems and puzzles

frustration, carelessness, lack of executive functioning skills, or poor concentration skills,

perseverance for sticking with a task or habit until they have mastered it

Smart kids are interested in the world around them, but real geniuses have an insatiable curiosity to find out about the very minutia of how things work. From inquiring about every single mammal’s individual eating habits to insisting on knowing exactly how the toaster works, gifted children might test their parents’ patience with an unending stream

of questions.

“Gifted children typically have an amazing sense of focus. When given a task, they tend to work on it without distractions until completion. TV, video games, and social media do not divert their attention, allowing them to finish with efficiency.

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