What methods can an agent use to source information from the Regulatory Authority identified in Q5?
What methods can an agent use to source information from the Regulatory Authority identified in Q8?
Assume you check the Property Occupations Act and Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodations Act quite often. To save you having to search for these Acts online every time, you decide to save them both as a PDF file on your desktop or tablet. What is the downside of this record keeping practice?
A. List 3 Real Estate Employer responsibilities.
– Wages
– Employment terms
– Superannuation
**TRAINER FEEDBACK :Be specific in relation to their statutory obligations, check 5.2 of the learning guide****
Explain how the agency can ensure their procedures are effective over time and are being complied with?
Provide at least three (3) procedures relevant to controlling risk.
The agency can conduct ongoing monitoring such as regular reviews and audits to evaluate personal information being gathered during the course of their business and whether it is really necessary, how personal information is used, whether all required disclosures of privacy matters are being made to tenants, sellers, buyers, lessors, consultancy clients, contractors and agency staff.