Literature review for Treating depression with walking exercise.
Literature Review (evidence that walking exercise improves symptoms of depression, scholarly peered reviewed articles up to 7 years ago)
1) Introduction of PICOt Question ( My PICOT Question is Among 30- to 65-year-old adults (P), will the implementation of a virtual walking group exercise regimen three times a week (I) compared to no exercise (C) reduce symptoms of depression (O) within six weeks (T)?)
This introduction to the literature review chapter describes what a PICOt question is,
what the elements mean (i.e., P = population, I = intervention, etc.) and how it informed
the key words that guided the literature search for a solution to the identified problem.
The first paragraph should conclude with the actual PICOt question that guided the
literature review.
The next paragraph should describe the data bases used (i.e., PubMed, CINAHL,
Cochrane Library, etc.) and what was found using the keywords identified from the
PICOt question. Include the number of articles found and the specific themes. Next, talk
about how they keywords may have been refined to identify and locate research
specifically relevant to the proposed solution to the problem. Finally, discuss the number
of articles chosen that support the argument for change.