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Research a specific Insect species and explain how this insect benefits humans.


There are many ways in which insects benefit humans. They are critical decomposers, predators of other insects, part of the animal food chain, important pollinators, and they inspire human inventions.

This week, you will research a specific Insect species and explain how this insect benefits humans. Some points that you should address in your 100-200 word post are:

1. What are the scientific names of this insect (use the format Genus species)

2. How does this insect help humans? Be specific in your explanation.

3. Could you live without this insect in your life?

4. Does this insect contribute to society in a large or small way?

There are over 3 million insects described, so it should not be difficult to find beneficial insect species. Furthermore, no one is allowed to use the honey bee as their post.

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