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Discuss the holistic health needs of ambulance service patients and what role can health promotion and public health interventions play in health improvement of the service users.

This will assess Learning Outcomes 4 & 5 as detailed below:

Learning Outcomes

Critically reflect upon and systematically evaluate the long-term needs of patients in the emergency and urgent care setting; focussing on individual holistic factors in relation to health promotion and public health interventions.

Demonstrate the ability to adhere concisely to the requirements contained within the assessment brief.

General Guidance

The government recently reviewed the ambulance service’s role in public health. Following a consultation with the Public Health England, ambulance services, the College of Paramedics, service user representatives and others, it was agreed that paramedics are well-positioned to improve health and wellbeing among the most vulnerable patients. Every year, paramedics respond to millions of calls allowing them to identify some of the factors that, if addressed early, potentially could slow down or even stop the deterioration of the individual’s health. Some of these factors include mental health problems, cognitive impairment, smoking, drugs or substance misuse, physical inactivity, poor diet, obesity, cold or poor housing, loneliness and social isolation. It is not uncommon that paramedics are the first clinicians that the individual has contact with, and possibly the last for a while.
To meet this module’s learning outcomes, you will discuss the holistic health needs of ambulance service patients and what role can health promotion and public health interventions play in health improvement of the service users.
Written Reflection
You will be asked to submit a 2,000-word written reflection by Noon on 4 January 2020.

Assignment break down

Section Word count
Introduction 100-200
Main body of text: 1,500-1,700
Holistic health factors (case scenario) 500-700
Long-term needs (case scenario) 500-700
Public health interventions 500-700
Conclusion 100-200
Total 2,000

The Scenario below is to be used for the written reflection. The reflection must be written in a 3rd person.
Case Scenario – An intoxicated patient in an emergency

You and your colleague respond to a 66-year-old patient with chest pains. On arrival, you note that the house is unkempt and has an unpleasant smell. During your end-of-bed inspection, you notice numerous empty bottles and cans. The patient is alcohol dependant. You learn that he had two heart attacks in the past. On your clinical examination, you find typical signs and symptoms of cardiac ischaemia. ECG shows an elevation of the ST segment on a number of leads. When you try to inform the patient about your findings, he falls asleep. You do not know how much of the information he can understand and retain; you know one thing, he does not wish to go to the hospital as on the previous visit he was not able to consume alcohol. He is adamant. You establish that his capacity to make a decision fluctuates and when it comes back, he does not consent to any treatment or being taken to a place of care.


Presentation checklist (add your own if needed)

Turnitin reference sheet before your timeslot
Full uniform and ID card
Presentation: (if needed one of the following)
Memory Stick
Paper Copy
Examiners handout

Time confirmed

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