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Discuss the limitation on ownership rights that you chose, demonstrating your understanding of the limitation.

1. Choose one limitation on (United States) Real Estate ownership rights to research more in depth. These could include:

Zoning ordinance
Condo association bylaws
Police power
Eminent domain

2. Discuss the limitation on ownership rights that you chose, demonstrating your understanding of the limitation.

3. Then, find an article online that discusses a real-world example of an owner’s property rights being restricted by the restriction that you chose, and discuss what happened while incorporating the principles of the reservation of rights you chose. The article should show a practical application of the limitation on ownership rights that you gave an overview.

Short papers should use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to the APA citation method. Page-length requirements: 2 pages

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