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In what way do any of your interview responses relate to any one of the profiles featured in the assigned readings and the experience of Barbara Ehrenreich?Discuss



Write an essay of between 500 and 750 words comparing and contrasting their responses.

You must use appropriate APA guidelines when documenting those references.

When writing your submission you must relate your response to relevant concepts related to the lesson’s readings. You are free to supplement the lesson’s readings with sources from the web; however, you are not permitted to use Wikipedia as a source.

When saving your file use LASTNAME_FIRSTNAME as a naming scheme.

Upload your paper to the assignment submission box.

Essay Steps

Step 1: Conduct Interviews

Interview three people who work inside or outside of the home. Identify each person’s relationship to you and where the person is employed.

In each case ask about the following issues:

Briefly describe your job.

What satisfaction or value do you receive from your work?

In what ways does your job make a difference in others’ lives?

Step 2: Write an Essay

In what way do any of your interview responses relate to any one of the profiles featured in the assigned readings and the experience of Barbara Ehrenreich?


You will be graded to the degree you do so in a logical, coherent, substantive manner.

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