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Describe the business that will be using your product/technology solution. If you plan on working on a project for a particular company, then give a small introduction to the company. Plus, provide any points about the company that will help the reader understand the project statement.


Conceptualization is the process of not only selecting a topic, it is formulating a defensible and researchable business problem; it is more than simply generating a list of interesting topics.

Required items:

Project Concept: Describe the business that will be using your product/technology solution. If you plan on working on a project for a particular company, then give a small introduction to the company. Plus, provide any points about the company that will help the reader understand the project statement.

Key Points:

-Starbucks is a large coffeehouse chain with over 30,000 stores in 80 countries.

Other introductory information can be found here:

Starbucks Company Profile. (n.d.). Retrieved January 25, 2021, from

Below are the points this application is for. The idea is to build a tip calculator application. The application is intended to ease the tip calculation process at Starbucks.

-Employees share tips evenly. (percentage of hours worked = percentage of tips)

-Tips are divided weekly. (Monday – Sunday)

-Repetitive calculations are done manually.

-Each store is given an hour of labor to complete tips.

-Our website will automate the calculation process and store information (tips received each week and year) for each employee.

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