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Identify and describe your chosen research methodology. what will you do to carry on your research goals and objectives.


– Title of the research project: Title
– Introduction: Topic area, Research question, purpose or significance to the study
– Importance: Academic relevance/justification/contextualization
– Literature review: Evaluate and analyze current literature on the subject
Previous research others & yours, interlocking findings and Unanswered questions, your preliminary work on the topic, the remaining questions and inter-locking logic, reprise of your research question(s) in this context
– Method: Identify and describe your chosen research methodology. what will you do to carry on your research goals and objectives.
Methodology: Approach, Data needs, Analytic techniques, Plan for interpreting results
– Findings/Expected results: Provide key research data, information, and findings. Analyze the key research data, information and findings.
-Concluding remarks: Summary/recommendations/Discussion. Recommend solutions to the problem by applying new knowledge or a new theory regarding how to solve the started research problem or applying existing.
-Sources: will show the state of the art on literature review

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