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“At the stage where design decisions significantly impact the cost plan, a manager has privately indicated a preferred contractor with questionable recruitment practices in the industry and highlighted the personal benefits of awarding parts of the works to the contractor”Critically analyse this request and the subsequent impact of the decision to award parts of the works to the contractor..


Provide your responses to the following tasks in essay form:

a. ‘The Client briefing, procurement, tendering and cost management processes pass through distinct stages of development that are aligned to commonly used frameworks such as the RIBA Plan of Work (2020) stages. During each stage, a number of critical Client /stakeholder decisions and processes are undertaken to inform or affect the subsequent stages. This suggests that there is a common set of decisions required, that may change due to the degree of complexity and difficulty, that can vary from project to project.’

Critically appraise the statement above and explain the differences between decisions made of a ( c5,000 m2) warehouse building that is being built for immediate sale and for a large public sector, inner-city located high quality, head office building (c. 50,000 m2).

Your answer should include:

• Reasoned, critical appraisals for each of the two different types of construction projects that highlight the different approaches.

• The processes that align to the RIBA Plan of Works (2020) Framework

• Inclusivity, diversity and sustainability considerations:

(approximate word count 1400 words)

b. At the stage where design decisions significantly impact the cost plan, a manager has privately indicated a preferred contractor with questionable recruitment practices in the industry and highlighted the personal benefits of awarding parts of the works to the contractor.

Critically analyse this request and the subsequent impact of the decision to award parts of the works to the contractor.

(approximate word count 600 words)

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