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Does your district have a long tradition of supporting one party, or has it been changing in recent years? Why?Discuss

Address and elaborate on each of the following questions in paragraph form:

• What is the political history of your district and state for the past 25 years?
• How has your district and state voted in recent presidential and congressional elections?
• Can your district or state be considered to be leaning Republican or Democrat?
• Are the political parties relatively even, or does one party dominate the elections?
• Does your district have a long tradition of supporting one party, or has it been changing in recent years? Why?
• How did your representative and senator come to power? (Briefly describe their political backgrounds.)
• What are some bills that your representative and senator have sponsored or co-sponsored? How does this legislation align with biblical principles? Explain.
• How do the interest groups – ADA, ACLU, ACU, and CC (or FRC) – rate your representative and senator? These interest group ratings scores are required. (Note: If the Christian Coalition score is not available, you may substitute the Family Research Council score. Include the exact scores from each of these groups.)
• Based on these ratings, would you classify your representative and senator as conservative or liberal? Justify your answer.
• In your conclusion explain whether or not the representatives and senator you discussed reflect your values.

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