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Explain the process of measurement you will use to analyze your case study. In your explanation, take into consideration environmental variables, available resources, and behavior of interest relevant to your case study.

Develop a plan to measure, generalize, and maintain intervention strategies.
Communicate in a manner that is scholarly and consistent with expectations for professionals in the field of psychology.
In your third project component, complete the following:

Measurement: Explain the process of measurement you will use to analyze your case study. In your explanation, take into consideration environmental variables, available resources, and behavior of interest relevant to your case study. Remember, applied behavior analysts measure behavior to answer questions about the existence and nature of functional relations between socially significant behavior and environmental variables.
Data Display: Select an appropriate form of visual display of behavioral data (choose from line graphs, bar graphs, cumulative records, semi-logarithmic charts, or scatterplots) from which valid and reliable decisions are best analyzed in your case study. Remember, the visual format you select should depend on the type of raw data you collect from your case study and the primary purpose of its evaluation.
Data-Based Decisions: Justify how the selected form of data display will best allow you to make data-based decisions for your case study. Remember, the primary function of graphic displays of behavioral data is to communicate quantitative relations. Take into consideration validity, accuracy, and reliability of data.

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