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Describe the differences in communication protocol between the Honey well TDC2000 and Honeywell TDC3000 distributed control systems. State the name of the device used to enable these two systems totalk to each other.

1. Provide a list of the five major factors to be taken into account when considering the choice of a distributed control system for any given installation, stating the benefits to be gained from the use of DCS for an offshore oil and gas processing plant.

2. Describe the differences in communication protocol between the Honey well TDC2000 and Honeywell TDC3000 distributed control systems. State the name of the device used to enable these two systems totalk to each other.

3. All of the distributed control systems have the ability to use a data historian module. List the main tasks of a data historian attached to a DCS.

4. Describe the use of Group Points, stating which of the manufacturer’ssystems these apply to.5. Describe the functions of a Highway Traffic Director, and state which ofthe manufacturer’s systems does not require the use of this device.

6. Where would an HIA be installed and what are its functions?

7. Explain the reasons behind the installation of distributed control systemsin refineries for the control of natural gas liquids fractionation plant.

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