Evidence for depictive codes (interference effects, scanning effects, zooming, transforming/mental rotation). Demand characteristics.
Differences between imagery and perception (metric qualities, part-whole relationships, ambiguous figures). Compromise theory, shared brain areas for imagery & perception, effects of image complexity, evidence that image parts are generated sequentially, damage to motor cortex impairs imagery.
Kosslyn reading imagery vs. perception.
Image generation, image inspection, image maintenance, image transformation, mental rotation. Depictive vs. propositional representations, imagery debate.
Image scanning, island experiment. *Demand characteristics. Q.410Unpatai Imagery vs. perception. Enormous capacity of visual memory, exceptions to good visual memory. Problems with richer visual code hypothesis, dual code hypothesis. Cognitive maps, Tolman’s maze experiment with rats, latent learning. Direction judgments, distance estimates.
Distortions of shape/position, right-angle bias, symmetry heuristic, rotation heuristic, alignment heuristic, relative-position heuristic, subjective clusters, observer perspective,
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Cognitive maps, Tolman experiment suggesting rats learn cognitive map (early evidence for role of internal mental representation in behavior)
unstics, right-angle bias, symmetry heuristic, rotation heuristic, alignment heuristic, relative-ng.