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Discuss why implementing this proposal is significant and the impact it will have on the broader field of nursing.

Develop a formal proposal using the attached “C922 Curriculum Technology Proposal Template” that integrates the chosen emerging technology for a curricular change to the previously developed course, “The Role of the BSN Nurse in Promoting Community Health.”A. Write an executive summary (suggested length 1 page) that includes a synopsis of the key points of your proposal.Note: The executive summary is written after you have completed your proposal; however, APA-style formatting should be referenced and used. And APA-style formatting requires this summary be placed at the opening of your proposal.B. Write a literature review on the use of technology in education by doing the following:1. Provide five credible sources published in the last five years that are relevant to your curriculum proposal project in the “Literature ReviewSummary Table” found in the attached “C922 Curriculum Technology Proposal Template”2. Provide an evidence summary of the academic literature you found in part B1 on the use of technology in education.3. Based on your literature review, discuss gaps in the use of technology in nursing education.C. Complete a needs assessment by doing the following:1. Describe the process used to conduct a curricular technology needs assessment using a gap analysis.a. Identify three academic stakeholders (e.g., faculty, students, preceptors, IT personnel) and their roles in the gap analysis.b. Explain methods of collaboration with interprofessional teams.2. Compare two current or emerging technologies by describing the advantages and disadvantages of each as they apply to “The Role of theBSN Nurse in Promoting Community Health.”3. Discuss three anticipated challenges with the current state of technology in the “The Role of the BSN Nurse in Promoting CommunityHealth” course.4. Explain how you will overcome the three challenges from part C3.5. Summarize your findings of the curricular technology needs assessment.a. Describe the collaboration with your stakeholders to reach a consensus on one technology from part C2.D. Identify the emerging technology and complete a force field analysis to identify forces for and against your curriculum technology proposalusing Table 3 in the attached “C922 Curriculum Technology Proposal Template.”1. Identify factors that could impact the adoption of your proposal by doing the following:a. Analyze two internal and two external organizational factors that may facilitate or impede implementation.
2/7/2020WGU Performance Assessmenthttps://tasks.wgu.edu/student/000201658/course/11600007/task/1616/overview3/11b.

Describe three forces that will facilitate integration of the identified emerging technology in the “The Role of the BSN Nurse in Promoting Community Health” course.

c. Describe three forces that will impede integration of the identified emerging technology in the “Role of the BSN Nurse in Promoting Community Health” course.

2. Identify a change theory appropriate for your technology integration and adoption.a. Justify the selected change theory from part D

2.b. Describe potential resistance and barriers to the technology change.

c. Discuss how you plan to implement the change theory identified in part D

2.E. Write a conclusion focusing on the impact and significance of your proposal by doing the following:

1. Discuss the rationale and purpose of your proposal.

2. Explain how your proposal fills the identified curriculum needs gap.

3. Discuss why implementing this proposal is significant and the impact it will have on the broader field of nursing.F. Submit your formal proposal in APA style, including but not limited to title page, headers, in-text citations, and references.G. Demonstrate professional communication in the content and presentation of your submission

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