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What issue in the country or world is keeping you up at night? It may not impact you, but rather your loved ones, coworkers, or community. What problem do you want to address or solve?Discuss

Public Policy Proposal Outline

Topic Selection: What issue in the country or world is keeping you up at night? It may not impact you, but rather your loved ones, coworkers, or community. What problem do you want to address or solve?

Describe the Problem: State the problem that you want to address and who is impacted. What are the short-term and long-term concerns if the problem is not addressed? (2-3 sentences)

Recommendations: Propose 1-3 recommendations to solve the problem. (1-3 bullet points)

Policy Adoption & Implementation: How should your recommendations be implemented? What governmental agencies or organizations will you need to work with? How will your proposal be funded? State government, local government, private organizations, or nonprofit organizations? Can you provide a brief 3-5 step outline? What evidence, research, or statistics do you have to support your position? These can be from scientific studies, other companies, or organizations that have followed the newly proposed policy and support your argument. (3-5 sentences)

Conclusion: Write a short conclusion to your public policy proposal. Assess your proposed policy. Will your solution actually solve the problem? Will it solve an immediate need until a long-term solution can be found? If your solution will not solve the problem, will it mitigate the impact on people or the community? Provide a brief summary of the information you have presented in your policy proposal. Convince the class to support your policy proposal. (2-4 sentences)

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