The question requires you to critically evaluate the statement that ‘studying language can help us to better understand human experience’, drawing on evidence from both cognitive and social psychology. experimental and qualitative methods and the types of knowledge they produce, their strengths and limitations in terms of what they can and cannot reveal about human experience. Use discursive psychology and how it has helped us to understand psychological phenomena and identity. Talk about how discursive psychology offers an alternative theoretical approach to cognitive psychology. ( and back this up with evidence). Include this alternative method (i.e. discourse analysis) and explain how different it is from more cognitive approaches (such as experimentation). (again, back this argument up with evidence) Describe how discourse analysis is a focus on the performative aspects of language, illustrate this draw on studies from chapters 4 and 9 that are attached. Keep points directly relevant and to summarise evaluation effectively. It should show some of the research work respected in the subject field and its development. The primary sources you should draw on are likely to be psychology journal articles, though they could be chapters from academic psychology books – not textbooks. chapters 4 and 9 should be used in this part of the assignment along with other primary sources that answer the question. This is a statutory requirement and will be added as attachments for this part of the essay.
write an essay with the title. ‘Our biology determines our experience’. Critically evaluate this statement, drawing on evidence from both biological psychology and the psychology of individual differences. The word limit for this essay is again 2000 words, the question requires a critical evaluation of the statement that ‘our biology determines our experience. It should consider both the strengths and limitations of the statement in a balanced and well-evidenced manner. Discuss the concepts of creativity and personality; both of which are aspects of the human experience. Use Chapter 6 to focus specifically on research from the psychological domain of individual differences and consider some biological psychology research. Draw on material that covers aspects of human experience that may not be biologically determined; or that may be better understood through non-biological means.
Use Chapter 7 to discuss the importance of social construction in terms of human experience. it is important to substantiate the arguments with theory and empirical evidence, and that it answers the question as set by including work from biological psychology and the psychology of individual differences. Using this material, it should critically evaluate the statement that ‘our biology determines our experience’., however it has to integrate the material from the attached chapters and draw on the two psychological domains, i.e. biological psychology and the psychology of individual differences. It must be a coherent essay. Also add some relevant material beyond the chapter resources and include two primary sources not referred to in the chapter materials. It will need to show some systematic searching for relevant source materials that support the arguments made, the primary sources should draw on psychology journal articles, though they could be chapters from academic psychology books – not textbooks. chapters 2 and 6 and 7 should be used in this part of the assignment along with other primary sources that answer the question. This is a statutory requirement and will be added as attachments for this part of the essay.