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Evaluate a professional sports franchise:Choose ONE sports franchise from any professional league, examine the market conditions, revenues and costs for this franchise. Specifically, information on market conditions should include analysis on market size, income levels, corporate head offices and some economic specific conditions such as tax advantages and the effect of exchange rate.

1. Evaluate a professional sports franchise:Students are required to choose ONE sports franchise from any professional league, examine the market conditions, revenues and costs for this franchise. Specifically, information on market conditions should include analysis on market size, income levels, corporate head offices and some economic specific conditions such as tax advantages and the effect of exchange rate. Revenue and cost information should, at a minimum, include gate receipts, broadcasting revenue, corporate sponsorship and player costs.Note: Forbes is a publisher of extensive market analysis on Professional sports franchises. You may look at their analysis but please DO NOT duplicate their reports.

2. Investigate the relationship between a dependent variable and independent variable:Students are required to choose one league from a professional sports market. Using data from Professor Rodney Fort’s website (see Reference 1 below) or from the league’s website, analyze the relationshipbetween two variables using a Multiple Regression model. An example of the regression model can be seen below:Revenue=h0+h1Å~Wins+h2Å~WinsLagged+h3Å~MarketSize+h4Å~NewStadiumDummy+eNote: This is just an example of regression model. You are encouraged to come up a regression equation of your own choosing.In the report, please explain the data source and variable definitions. The results from the regression model must be presented in a table format with proper labelling. Students must explainthe results in detail using proper economic terminology.

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