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Identify key interprofessional stakeholders, by role or title, that will form your interprofessional policy advocacy team. Create a list of five interprofessional stakeholders, and describe how these individuals will contribute to meeting the SMART goal you established.

☐ Review the CPE Schedule table created in Phase 1 to ensure you are still making progress towards meeting your timelines. Adjust the schedule table if necessary.
☐ Nursing policy advocacy is more effective when there is support from members of an interprofessional healthcare team. To learn more about forming interprofessional teams, review this American Nurses Association article and develop the skills to be an effective communicator across care teams by completing some of the modules in Team STEPPS from the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ). List seven or more techniques you learned about team-building that will be useful when forming and leading your interprofessional policy advocacy team, and explain why the seven techniques are important for forming and leading interprofessional policy advocacy teams.
☐ Identify key interprofessional stakeholders, by role or title, that will form your interprofessional policy advocacy team. Create a list of five interprofessional stakeholders, and describe how these individuals will contribute to meeting the SMART goal you established.
☐ As an advanced professional nurse, you are responsible for educating the advocates on the policy issue and the process for agenda-setting. Create an agenda for your first team meeting that includes a list of items you will discuss. This agenda should inform and educate the team regarding the policy brief you created and the process that should be used for agenda-setting. Once you have created your agenda, share this with policy advocates to get their feedback and suggestions. Include their feedback in your GoReact video reflection.
☐ Create a 3–5 minute GoReact video reflection of your experiences describing what you learned during the process of building a structure for your policy advocacy team and creating an educational agenda to build advocacy for your policy issue. If you have trouble with the GoReact link, you can copy and paste the URL directly into your browser: https://lrps.wgu.edu/provision/173986697

Include your perceptions regarding the feedback you received from the policy advocate’s review of your agenda. Provide positive comments on two peers’ videos.
Phase 2 Evidence (Upload the following to your e-portfolio:)

List of seven interprofessional team-building techniques you learned about interprofessional team-building with a description of why each of these will be important when forming and leading your interprofessional policy advocacy team
List of five interprofessional stakeholders and a description of how each stakeholder will contribute to meeting your SMART goal
Team meeting agenda for your first team meeting that includes a list of items you will discuss
Three screenshots to document your GoReact video reflection, that includes an image of your reflection video and an image for each of your peer responses
A brief, written reflection summary of your video reflection below your screenshot

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