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Explain, using research evidence, what counselling psychology interventions you would recommend and why.

Colin is 54 years old and from leaving sixth form college, has worked as an administrative assistant in the civil service for 32 years. Four years ago, Colin was involved in a Road Traffic Accident and sustained an injury to his back, causing, at the time, chronic lower back pain. Following periods of intensive physiotherapy and pain management treatment he is now able to lead a relatively pain free life and feels he could return to work “if he took things easy”.
However, he is reluctant to make any steps in this direction for the following reasons:
He feels that in the time he has been off work his self-confidence has reduced to a point where he is reluctant to socialise and would fear entering an interview situation. He feels he has a daily routine that, whilst boring, keeps him occupied and does not place undue stress on his back, something he fears a work routine might. Financially, although he ‘gets by’, he would like more money to pursue his hobbies and interests but feels that if he did return to work he might not be greatly better off and would probably trade the extra free time he has, for the extra money he would earn. However, although he has paid off his mortgage, he has expensive repairs to carry out on the structure of his house. He also admits to feeling undermined by his wife who encourages him constantly to return to work, telling him to “stop avoiding that there are problems and get from under my feet”. As a consequence, he feels depressed and has “started to drink more than I should”. This is further straining his relationship with his wife.
He is in what is described as the ‘benefit trap’. The issues restricting Colin returning to work are now psychological rather than physical. Recognising he has problems, he has agreed to a referral to a local counselling service.
Using an integrative and eclectic counselling approach, write a report detailing the following:
1.   How counselling psychology theory might be used to explain Colin’s current psychological experiences.

2.   Explain, using research evidence, what counselling psychology interventions you would recommend and why.
Use a report writing style. In your appendix include an action/treatment plan setting out your proposed interventions in a contemporary context.

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