List of references:
He, P., Sun, Y., Zhang, Y. and Li, T., 2020. COVID–19’s impact on stock prices across different sectors—An event study based on the Chinese stock market. Emerging Markets Finance and Trade, 56(10), pp.2198-2212.
How you can appraise and critically write your interpretation of the reading material
Skim the article. Read the abstract, the introduction and conclusion. If it is relevance to your study, then read the whole article.
Group the articles into categories. So, Article 1 talks about impacts of pandemic, article 2 about the approaches adopted and article 3 on the impacts before and after the pandemic. So, Article 1 and 3 belong to one category and the article 2 can be on the other category.
You need to identify the article emphases, strength and weakness, since you will be reading a variety of article, each material may have different emphases, strength and weaknesses. What you need to do is to evaluate the material that you read by examining the main question of the report.
Identify patterns and trends among the material. For example, the approaches to overcome the impacts of the pandemic; is there any specific approaches applies to certain size of organisation.
Identify any gaps, any missing connection between the reading materials. This should be highlight as part of the critical analysis of the writing.
Evaluate the currency and the coverage of the articles. Is the article being recent or if not recent, the older articles can become one of the important studies in the area. The coverage may cover certain country or area, would you notice any differences and similarities? Include in the writing as part of the evaluation.