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Discuss Whether FHFA’s structure violates the separation of powers.

You’re a judicial clerk for a United States Supreme Court Justice Jamion Christian. Justice Christian has no party affiliation; a unanimous Senate approved Justice Christian after a five-day hearing revealed no prejudice or bias on Christian’s part. Since joining the Court, Justice Christian has been informed, reasonable, and politically neutral.
You’re assigned to work on the case Collins v. Yellen (fka Collins v. Mnuchin).
Address only the first question presented: Whether FHFA’s structure violates the separation of powers
Prepare a memo – no more than 400 words (not counting citations) – in which you consider the issues and recommend a ruling. You may assume that Justice Christian knows the facts – you need only reference those facts that you need to reference in order to make a point. You can attempt to use Bluebook style citations, but you will not be graded on your citations, so if you make a mistake in the citation format it won’t count against you. The most important thing is to refer to whatever case you’re citing clearly enough that I will be able to find what you’re referring to. Spelling, organization, and writing style matter – be concise, precise, and careful.

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