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Outline the historical development of the policy including other linked policies highlighting key changes .


Continuous Assessment #3 (450 words)

Policy Analysis Plan

The analysis plan comprises 3 sections totalling 450 words

The analysis plan provides you with the opportunity to outline your approach and plan for the policy analysis paper and for your tutor to provide feedback prior to commencing the policy analysis paper.

History (100 words)

Key historical points/events in the policy’s history

Issues and issues drivers (250 words)

Outline the key issues/issue drivers

Evaluation and review (100 words)

List the key findings from evaluations and reviews of the policy

Main assignment- this is for your information not to do

tically analyse the Medicare policy

Structure your analysis using the following criteria:

1. Outline the historical development of the policy including other linked policies highlighting key changes .(800 words).

2. Critically discuss key issues and issue drivers identified within the policy and government literature in relation to relevant commentary and scholarly literature. In particular critically examine the core values, beliefs and assumptions underpinning the policy (1,200 words).

3. Discuss key findings from evaluation of the policy – including government and non-government evaluations and reviews – highlighting strengths and weakness. (700 words).

For this assignment use both quality scholarly articles and grey literature.

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