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‘Reasonable provision shall be made for people to have access to, into, within and to use a building and its facilities’ Explain the scope of this regulation with respect to buildings other than dwellings and explain how compliance with regulation can be demonstrated.


a) Rule 91 of the building regulations (Northern Ireland) 2012 states –

‘Reasonable provision shall be made for people to have access to, into, within and to use a building and its facilities’

Explain the scope of this regulation with respect to buildings other than dwellings and explain how compliance with regulation can be demonstrated. Specifically, provide examples in the area ensuring Access to the buildings other than dwellings.

[360 words]

b) Section 5 of Technical Booklet R provides guidance of facilities in buildings other than dwellings.

Explain with some examples the purpose of this section in making buildings accessible for all users.

[240 words]

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