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Describe the situation in which you demonstrated the competency, describe the task you completed, briefly convey the action you took, and state the result of that action.

In the NCHL Competency and Rating column: As a baseline, rate the level at which you demonstrated the NCHL competency at the start of your MHA program on a scale of 1 (novice) to 9 (expert). Then, rate the level at which you currently demonstrate that competency, again on a scale of 1 to 9.
Situation, Task, Action, and Result columns: Describe the situation in which you demonstrated the competency, describe the task you completed, briefly convey the action you took, and state the result of that action.
Outcome Rating column: Rate the outcome of the example you provided on a scale of 1 (least desirable) to 5 (most desirable.)
As the final item, after completing your competency ratings in the table below, analyze your competencies and provide a short narrative of any new insights, as well as a recommendation for future development

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