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Describe your chosen approach to analyze the data from these three transcripts; support your chosen approach using references.


Research Processes for Qualitative Analysis

After the data have been collected, the researcher must ensure that the data are analyzed properly. The data analysis process helps to provide answers to the research questions and allows the researcher to develop reliable conclusions.

As important as collecting the right kind of data to answer your research question, how you analyze the data is critical to achieving results that are valid and reliable. Validity and reliability are features of quantitative research. Qualitative researchers use features of trustworthiness of data to achieve relative confidence in the application of the scientific method. Appropriateness of the tools used, processes, and types of data collected are carefully considered. For reliability to be achieved, the qualitative researcher must be able to demonstrate confirmability, transferability, generalizability, and dependability.

The processes used to achieve trustworthiness of data can include (a) member checking, (b) transcript review, (c) ensuring data saturation, or (d) triangulation. There are methods for developing themes from raw data like the van Kaam or van Manen approaches. Your choices for creating a data analysis plan must follow the accepted norms scholars and researchers use for the design and must align with the type of data collected or included in the study.


Perform qualitative thematic data analysis using the three video transcripts (attached). The topic of the transcripts is Business Startups.

Describe your chosen approach to analyze the data from these three transcripts; support your chosen approach using references. Be sure to consider the type of data collected to create procedures for a comprehensive analysis. In your description, clearly define your approach to:

(a) organizing data

(b) coding and thematic development

(c) triangulation

(d) using software applications

Then identify at least three (3) themes you extracted from the three video transcripts. The number of themes will be based on your selected framework. For each theme:

(a) Label the theme

(b) Define the theme’s concept based on the interpretation of the data.

(c) Include a 2-3 direct quotes from the data that best represent how the theme is conceptualized.

As with all other assignments, your approach must be systematic, logical, fully explained, and supported with scholarly sources. Use the resources provided, and at least three other peer-reviewed articles to defend your research plan.

Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

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