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Explain meat demand depends on the population does not make this a population economics

1. meat demand depends on the population does not make this a population economics topic. International trade is not population economics!

2.look into different levels of consumption per capita across countries due to different levels of development, and the extent to which meat consumption can be considered a development indicator, that might work. Though we did not delve into it, the link between population and ecology is often considered to be within the umbrella of population economics. So you could think about the environmental impacts of meat production and by extension the environmental impact of per capita consumption overall, and how this varies across countries due to the higher per capita meat consumption of some than of others. The high level of consumption in the US, especially given our high meat consumption per capita, likely means that one person in the US does as much environmental damage as many people in India, for example. You can also think about this from the perspective of the entire world, with a growing population and growing per capita incomes around the world, the consumption burden on the earth (especially through very resource-intensive consumption goods like meat) may be unsustainable. So if you want to connect meat consumption to the class, these are a couple of ways you could do it.

3.Fellow the instructions from the guideline about the proposal option.

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