1. A study found that people who like spicy foods are generally risk takers. Which of the following questions interrogates the construct validity of this correlation?
a. Is the result statistically significant?
b. Did the study use a random sample of people?
c. Were there any outliers in the relationship?
d. How well did they measure each variable, risk taking and liking spicy foods?
2. Which of the following sentences describes a moderator for the relationship between risk taking and liking spicy foods?
a. There is a positive relationship between liking spicy foods and risk taking for people who identify as men, but no relationship for people who identify as women.
b. Older adults tend to like spicy foods less than younger adults.
c. The relationship between liking spicy foods and risk taking is the same for people in cities and in rural areas.
3. Suppose you hear that conscientious people are more likely to get regular health checkups. Which of the following correlations between conscientiousness and getting checkups would probably support this claim?a. r = .03b. r = .45c. r = -.35d. r = -1.0The following study will be used for question #4 and question #5:”Kids with ADHD may be more likely to bully”. In this study, researchers followed 577 children – the entire population of fourth graders from a municipality near Stockholm – for a year. The researchers interviewed parents, teachers and children to determine which kids were likely to have ADHD. Children showing
signs of the disorder were then seen by a child neurologist for diagnosis. The researchers also asked kids about bullying. The study found that children with ADHD are almost four times as likely as others to be bullies (Carroll, 2008).
4. Sketch a graph of the result described above. Be sure to label your axes and depict the reported relationship.
5. Interrogate validities for this claim. What questions would you ask about construct validity, aboutstatisticalvalidity, and about external validity? Be specific about how you’d ask questions pertaining to this specific study design and result.