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What methods did UK use to combat the covid19 pandemic? What methods did Japan use? Was it effective? What are the effects of these strategies and what impact they had on the population?

What methods did UK use to combat the covid19 pandemic? What methods did Japan use? Was it effective? What are the effects of these strategies and what impact they had on the population? What impact it had on the mental health of the population? What impact it had on the economy of the countries? What impact it had on the social aspect? Was it positive overall or negative? Was Lockdown worth it? Same for the compared second country.
About the strategies, the countries use: What approach did they use? How did they mobilize the healthcare system? How did they mobilize the private sector in healthcare during the pandemic? Similarities and differences. How did they spread awareness about covid? Possible difference in cultures that had an impact on the results. What responses they had on a global, national, regional, local level? Was it efficient? Why?

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