What aspect of your practice in the field of English, Media, Drama teaching interests you?
· How has this area of interest come to be important to you?
(In addressing this question, you might want to write about a longer history of your interest — going back before the NQT year, before the PGCE …)
· How has this area of interest figured in your practice this year as an NQT?
· How does this interest relate to broader issues of policy, at local (school) and national level?
2. Reading
What have you read that might shed light on this subject, or help you to think more about it?
(You might want to make a list of titles/authors here — but it would also be helpful to indicate briefly how these works are relevant to you.)
3. Evidence
What evidence will you draw on and analyse in making sense of your area of interest?
(Remember that evidence might include moments of teaching and learning as well as samples of students’ work, plans, departmental documents, different kinds of assessment data …)
4. Your question
A useful stage in the writing is to try to formulate a question that your writing will address. This should help you to sort out what you need to explore and what kinds of evidence you need to gather. We do not expect you, at this stage of the process, to have a fully-worked-out research question — but we would like you to have a first go, here, at expressing your central interest as a question.