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Discuss the relevance of these types of activities in the TESOL classrooms. Consider the use of ‘authentic texts’, different genres and types of texts, the importance of students noticing language. .

Choose one text to analyse for this assignment. You can choose a newspaper article, a magazine article, a section of a textbook, or a journal article.

Conduct an analysis of the text with regards to the language choices of the author. You can choose which language features to focus on – from traditional grammar or systemic functional grammar. For example, you can consider the adjectives, adverbs, nominalisation, active vs passive voice, etc. Depending on what you discover, you can focus on one or more language features.

Explain possible reasons for why the author chose these language features and for what purpose. Consider the genre of the text, the audience, the positioning of actors/events in the text, the author’s stance.

a) Discuss the relevance of these types of activities in the TESOL classrooms. Consider the use of ‘authentic texts’, different genres and types of texts, the importance of students noticing language. .

b) Would the text you analysed for this assignment be useful in a TESOL classroom? Why/why not. How could it be used? How could it be modified?


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