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Critically appraise the use of the WEBER test in the cranial nerve examination to assess conductive or sensory hearing loss .Critically appraise the evidence of the use of Pendleton et al 1984-2003 consultation model .

Critically appraise 4 different aspects of key areas of physical examination

Critically appraise the theory that underpins one element of a chosen examination system. Focus on ONE specific chosen element as noted below. Critique the literature and be clear on how this influences practice/ adds value to diagnostic reasoning.

1. Critically appraise the use of bowel sounds as part of performing abdominal examination.

2. Critically appraise the use of the WEBER test in the cranial nerve examination to assess conductive or sensory hearing loss .

3. Critically appraise the use of the anterior draw test to assess ACL injury

4 Critically appraise the evidence of the use of Pendleton et al 1984-2003 consultation model.


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