A “report” from the Manhattan DA in November, 2015 is part of the reading for Week 3. This report says, for instance, that in the period between September 17, 2014 and October 1, 2015, the Manhattan DA’s office “was unable to execute approximately 111 search warrants for smartphones because because Apple, which had assisted in the past, now says it is literally unable unlock the phones.
Write a paper critiquing the Manhattan DA’s report. Does the proposal strike an appropriate balance ? For instance , will the benefit to law enforcement outweigh the increased risk to the security of data of innocent users? Are the questions proposed for Apple and Google in the Manhattan DA’s report relevant? Does the DA’s proposal meet the concerns of the scientists in the MIT paper that I loaded as “Experts Say Hands Off Encryption” Sources – 3? Is the Lawful Access to Encrypted Data Act a better solution ?