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What key terms from the lens text can be used to understand Catcher? How does the lens text reveal evidence in Catcher to support your argument?

In 3-5pp, you will compose an original interpretation of The Catcher in the Rye by using a lens from another assigned text, except the text you used for Essay 1. A lens text sheds light on another text to reveal something you would not have seen on your own. What does this mean?

Close read one of the following texts:

“Eight Ages of Man”

“Identity Development Throughout the Lifetime”

“Where is the Child’s Environment?”



Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood

“Religion’s Encouragement and Inhibition of Psychological Maturity”

Carefully analyze 1-2 brief passages of text that illustrate a larger idea or articulate a problem you find interesting. Analysis requires summarizing, interpreting, and providing insightful commentary on your selected passages. This work will serve as your established lens.

Then, use your lens to interpret Catcher by engaging in intertextual analysis. You will close read and analyze 1-3 passages of Catcher through your lens in order to pursue an original argument about the Catcher. Hint: often your argument will grow out of/ inform your commentary.

If you get stuck, ask: What key terms from the lens text can be used to understand Catcher? How does the lens text reveal evidence in Catcher to support your argument?

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