John Perkins, Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. Focus on any one or two of the following questions:
1. What does he say about economic hit men on the first page of his Preface?
2. What was his experience in Ecuador, described in the Prologue? Who are “the jackals”? Whose interests were being served?
3. How did he get recruited to the NSA?
4. What was MAIN, the “closely held corporation” that he worked for?
5. Who was Claudine, and how did she explain to him what his responsibilities would be? What were they?
6. Describe his experience in Indonesia.
7. Why does Perkins say, “…the global empire depends to a large extent on the fact that the dollar acts as the standard world currency, and that the United States mint has the right to print these dollars. Thus we make loans to countries like Ecuador with the full knowledge that they will never repay them; in fact we do not want them to honor their debts…”