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Evaluate using evidence of the appropriateness, trade-offs, success and impact of each machine learning technique to improve decision-making.Identify decisions that can be informed by machine learning .

In this assessment you will conduct a business-oriented literature review of various existing problems where machine learning methods are used to inform decision-making. You will identify and explore three
(3) different existing problems or opportunities related to decision-making that employ three (3) different types of machine learning techniques. You can explore a broad range of decision-making opportunities, including operational and strategic business decisions, regulatory needs or societal challenges.
The goal of the assessment is to build a solid foundation of evidence and knowledge that can be used to propose machine learning solutions that can inform decision-making and address business problems.
The assessment will also allow you to practise the critical skill of translating published literature to inform and persuade business stakeholders and decision-makers.
To succeed in this assessment, you will need to identify a range of business problems from relevant literature and synthesise your thoughts on how machine learning methods can inform decision-making and deliver value to the business or organisation.

Assessment criteria
This assessment will measure your ability to:
• Identify decisions that can be informed by machine learning .
• Evaluate using evidence of the appropriateness, trade-offs, success and impact of each machine learning technique to improve decision-making.
• Analyse the ethical concerns and considerations and the impact on the decisions that are being made
•Ccommunicate in a clear, logical and consistent style suitable for a business audience .

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