In Milestone Two, you considered enduring skills that are related to your prior or planned learning, how you can utilize or develop those skills in a concentration, and how that might contribute to your goal statement.
This will also involve researching the value of your concentration in support of your goals. In what way will the concentration you choose benefit them? What challenges might someone in that field face and how does your degree/concentration prepare you to overcome them?
In this milestone, you will select the concentration for your academic plan of study, as well as plan out the remaining coursework for your degree program.
Write a short paper that addresses the following critical elements:
I. Concentration: To complete this section, you will need to choose a concentration in the BA.GST program using the provided list and then research
what knowledge, skills, and abilities you will need to complete this concentration.
a) Defend the concentration you have chosen based on how it will help you achieve your personal or professional goals. Be sure to reference the knowledge you plan to gain in the concentration.
b) Back up your assertions with research that supports your concentration choice and be sure to provide citations for any sources you consult.
II. Coursework: In this section, you will think about your enduring skills and your concentration in relation to your goal, and you will plan out the coursework for your entire degree program. This should be a specific and detailed outline of the number of credits needed, the courses needed at each level , the courses you have already completed, and so on.
a) Provide an organized list of your degree requirements and your completed and planned coursework. Be sure to organize courses according to your program evaluation.
b) Provide a brief annotation of each listed course, illustrating why the course is applicable to your personal or professional goals.