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Create visualizations appropriate to convey information about a variable from a time series perspective. Create time series graphs showing the trends over time of bird strikes. Seasonal trends should be shown through yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily levels of detail.

Utilize the complete Strike Reports data set as well as the list of Airports in United States of America dataset. Join the two datasets, the complete Strike Reports and the list of Airports in United States of America, to get each airport’s latitude and longitude. Create a new table that aggregates the data at the airport level.

Apply a custom metric in a visualization.
Create a custom metric by writing code to give each airport a score for bird strikes by aircraft at that airport.
Use this custom metric in a geographic visualization of bird strikes by airport.
Create visualizations appropriate to convey information about a variable from a geographic perspective.
Create a visualization that provides a geographic overview of which regions experience the most bird strikes.
Create visualizations appropriate to convey information about a variable from a time series perspective.
Create time series graphs showing the trends over time of bird strikes. Seasonal trends should be shown through yearly, monthly, weekly, and daily levels of detail.

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