Write a commentary summarising the study in narrative form
The commentary should use the following subheadings;
• Context of the study
• Summary of methods
• Findings
• Conclusions and are they justified?
• Implications for practice
When writing your commentary please use the following subheadings:
Context: the place of this study in relation to our current understanding of the topic; what is the background to the study?
Briefly describe what the study involved, and the methods used in the research.
What are the key findings and do they follow from the data and the authors’ analysis; what is the main message of the study?
Conclusions: Are the conclusions justified?
Implications for practice: any clinical applications and/or policy implications of relevance for patients and healthcare in Scotland
Any key references the reader should know about? – You may cite other references if you use additional sources, please provide us with the full citation; you should have actually accessed the cited article so you can verify that the statement you make is an accurate reflection of the article’s contents.
Generally, you do not need to cite the article you are reviewing, unless you take a direct quote or paraphrase sections of it in your commentary.