To complete this written assignment, each learner is expected to conduct an individual assessment of a
community that you have lived in as you will be required to reflect on your experiences as member of
that community. You may collect information from websites, as well as a windshield survey that is
considered part of your clinical hours.
Getting to know my community.
Use Chapter 13 in Stamler & Yiu to guide your assessment/consultation.
a) Identify the community / aggregate and where it is located. Locate the geopolitical boundary;
these can be found on websites:
b) Begin with a windshield survey method to gather information about the broader community , including its defining geographic boundary, neighbour hood environment, and significant factors that may have an impact on the health of community members.
c) Utilize additional methods to collect data for your community assessment: Non-contact
methods . Describe hypothetical** contact methods that you may use.
d) For both parts b and c, outline the methods used to collect data.
e) Discuss your data findings and how they have informed your understanding of the community.
Describe any potential health issues that emerge from the data you’ve collected. What are the
health needs, that emerge from your community assessment? Make 1-2 recommendations for
addressing these needs, supported by your data, research and theory.
f) Conclude the paper by reflecting on your experience of conducting this community assessment.
How has your social identity and any previous assumptions about the community affected the way you perceived your community? How has this assignment changed your outlook as a member of the community, and as a community health nurse?