which perceived social support system, defined as academic, family and peer support, holds the most weight when considering academic achievement
Overview of the Study
Describe the aim of your study
Why is your study important/why does it require a qualitative approach?
Your key research question
4. Research design and methods (3-4 PAGES)
A. Overview the Design
Describe the design of your study
How you managed bias and ensured quality and robustness of the data/analysis
B. Population and Study Sample
Describe your sample e.g. how you selected and recruited your sample and what criteria you used
C. Research Methodology
Describe your data collection and analytical methods
here/how you got your data? – interviews, survey, focus groups?
Did you use a topic guide or data extraction tool?
Process of transcription and data management
Data Analysis process
How you analysed the data
What is your role as the researcher?
Describe the research paradigm that you will adopt in this project with reference to your epistemological and ontological position.
D. Ethics and Data Management Issues
How did you manage and store the data?
How will you protect the anonymity of participants?
5. Data Results and Findings
This is where you list your results of your research without any analysis
Present basic characteristic data to describe your sample
6. Discussion of the Key Findings
This is where you describe the key the results/findings and what they mean (your inferences of the data)
This is where you also connect what you found with the existing literature
You can use quotes in this section but use them sparingly to reinforce key points from your data as examples of your themes or findings
Strengths & Weaknesses of the Study
What are the limitations of your study?
What could be done differently next time?
What would make this study more robust?