In your paper, address the following:
• Within your analysis, include a synthesis of Skinner’s radical approach to behaviorism with methodological behaviorism theory. DO NOT attempt to synthesize radical behaviorism with a process that derives from theory, like operant or respondent conditioning.
• Address the limitations and delimitations of methodological behaviorism, considering how it may or may not align with applied behavior analysis.
o Limitations are areas of weakness, missing information, or missing considerations.
o Delimitations are variables outside the boundaries of the theory. These aren’t limitations or weaknesses, but rather variables that are specifically not addressed.
• Address the criticisms and possible deficits methodological behaviorism relative to ABA.
• Describe how methodological behaviorism might be realigned or adjusted for use in applied behavior analysis.
• Evaluate costs and benefits of using methodological behaviorism in application of ABA.