Times New Roman 12-point font w/double-spacing – in-text citations and a reference page.
Two or more references
Minimum of two pages of written information plus other requested content like a reference page
Describe where the organization is located /give some info about if they are centrally located, urban, rural, easy access or not, and use a map to pinpoint them. Is the area growing or shrinking .
What overall healthcare industry trends that might effect your organization / location?
What types of possible emerging opportunities exit for the organization to expand its coverage/add new services?
Market Analysis
Customer Analysis
Explain the basic demographics for their customers of the Org., those they serve.
Describe the market share area – where the customers live/ what part of the market area do they do business?
Are there special areas care or services that offered to meet patient needs that your organization could do or expand to better serve unique populations?