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Describe and define your personal epistemological, ontological, ethical, ideological and philosophical perspective that will guide your decision in choosing a research methodology?

The purpose of this paper is to explore the fundamental epistemological, ontological, ethical, ideological, and philosophical tenants that guide scholarly inquiry as evidenced in a published research study while identifying, defining, and describing your own approach. This assignment will be foundational to the future work you do as a graduate student on either a thesis or a project when you begin to develop your methodological plan.

a) A clearly stated question, and purpose statement for the work. Include a brief background discussion of what drew you to this question/issue, it’s relevance and significance to current nursing practice and/or the nursing profession.

b) Define the epistemological, ontological, ethical, ideological and philosophical tenants that guide the existing approaches to your question you have found in the current literature.

c) Describe and define your personal epistemological, ontological, ethical, ideological and philosophical perspective that will guide your decision in choosing a research methodology?

d) Identify and describe the methodological approach that provides the most coherent fit between your ontological and epistemological worldview and your research question?

e) Describe your emerging ideas r/t sample , setting, data collection, data analysis techniques, and knowledge translation plans.

f) A compelling conclusion that convinces the reader of the integrity of the plan and the importance of carrying it out.

Assessment criteria for this assignment:

I. Thoughts are organized and clearly communicated, writing is understandable and accurate; there is attention to APA, spelling and grammar, within page limit.

II. There is ample evidence of critical reflection upon all of the components outlined above (a-e) and they have all been addressed, and the components link together logically. The proposed plan flows clearly from a critical review of appropriate and adequate literature and is well justified as an approach to answer/address the clinical question.

III. There is evidence that you have thought about what you will need to consider, what questions may arise as you move forward with the plan, and what potential barriers may be encountered in carrying out the plan. Conclusion is compelling, logical and reflective.

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