This Chicago-style Exetegical paper. I prefer the focus on Gal. 3:27-29, but if you will work better, including Galatians 3:22-29. Please let me know.
Please read this instruction very carefully. I don’t have much time for back and forth, so we will not have a problem if you follow the instruments.
1)The structure is (a) Introduction, (b) body, and (c)conclusion. The introduction must introduce the thesis, “To appropriate Christ’s finished work, one must be baptized into Christ because it unifies the body of Christ, dismantles the oppressive concepts of race, gender and class/status.”Followed by you giving the steps to what will happen in the body of the paper. Do not use the introduction to summarize what Galatians says in the passage.
2) In the body are the introduced steps coming to life. And In this paper, describe what you can about what informs Paul’s writing in the passage. Issues may include the following: Does he use the OT, and if so, how? Does he draw on other relevant traditions or backgrounds? What are the important issues in the social/cultural/historical/literary context in this passage, and why? In what ways does Paul seek to influence his audience (such as persuasion, appeal to authority, or other means)? What is Paul addressing, and why?